Relax, Relate, Release: Take it Easy, Make Connections, Let Go!

Relax Relate Release
This is Me

Relax (take it easy), Relate (make connections), Release (let go). It’s been a while since I’ve visited this corner of my blog, but I’m here! The past few weeks of my yoga journey have been revealing, to say the least! So many things to ponder. So many things passing through my mind, and I find it hard to hold onto them. As soon as I think, “Wow, I need to write that down. That would make an intriguing post! “the thought dissipates, and I am once again free. I’m free from the busy-ness of the day. I tell myself that it’s okay. As soon as I allow myself to be, the thoughts will come back to me because they are indeed important.

As I grow older, my vision becomes clearer, but not in the literal sense. Although I’m still struggling with my yoga training, some things are becoming easier because I am allowing them to become easier. I decided to relax. Don’t get me wrong! I still get frustrated and discouraged when my body won’t do what I want it to do. But I’m working through that. And even Ms. Brenda commented to me a couple of weeks ago that I’m getting stronger! I needed to hear that. Don’t you just love when someone tells you something you need to hear at the exact moment you need to hear it?

A little voice alerted me that the theme of my practice these last few weeks has been to release. Release! I need to do that. I need to let go of so many things. Are there things in your life that you need to let go of; to release?

For the past several months, I have been researching health and wellness topics. I’ve decided to take a leap of faith, enroll in a health and wellness certification course, and become a health and wellness coach. Anyone who knows me knows that I will not go into any new venture without first researching it ten times over. During my latest round of analysis paralysis, as I call it, I came across the topic of self-compassion. I was so excited! It immediately made me think of yoga. What better way to practice being kind to myself than yoga?

Self-compassion requires that we relate to others by recognizing that we all suffer. Not one of us is unique. We must allow ourselves permission to fall flat on our face, pick ourselves up, learn from our mistakes, and keep moving. Be kind to ourselves just as we would be kind to someone else. Compassion begins within. Isn’t it funny how we’re taught from a very young age to be kind to others, but we are rarely if ever, taught to be kind to ourselves? Take care to take care of yourself!

Don’t get bogged down with minor things. Take things as they come. Live your life with intent. These are some things that are becoming clearer as I live each day and travel on this journey.

With each new day that passes, I move closer to stillness, closer to peace, closer to joy!

Please Join Me on My Quest

Feel free to check out my “check-ins” on Instagram. Drop me a line in the comments box below and tell me how you’re doing. I would love to hear from you!

I will leave you with this, “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ~ Lao Tzu

Namasté fellow yogi~becoming a yogi blog

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