Welcome! Where does your story begin?

Hi there! You found me. And I’m so excited that you did! What a year it’s been! I’m sure you’ve heard that over and over again, but it bears repeating, don’t you think? Where does my story begin? Keep reading!

Welcome! I’m Dawn B., and I am new to the blogging world. I am a developmental psychologist (remember this as it will be helpful further down the page), and human behavior makes me go, “hmmm???” Being a psychologist has allowed me to explore all kinds of exciting things related to children, families, and psychology in general.

Great day on my way to campus

Being a mother, grandmother *GASP!!!*, wife, aunt, and big sister to 5 younger siblings have provided life lessons that I would have never learned otherwise, and I’m truly grateful! But more about my life later, if I tell you everything now, you won’t have a reason to visit me again.

Unless you’re in my family or have taken one of my psychology courses, you don’t know me. And if you are one of my former students, HEY THERE! I miss you guys! My 9-to-5 requires me to write and do lots of research, so it’s nice to get a break from that! Scientific writing is a BEAST, and it’s not the most fun type of writing (*yawn*) and reading through tons of scientific sources, well let’s just say you can get bogged down with researching stuff. After gathering findings from my research on starting a blog, I confirmed that I should begin by telling you some important things: Who am I? What do I hope to teach you? How great I am! Oops, Sorry I might have added that last part on my own, but that’s what academics do, constantly tell you how great they are! That was a huge adjustment for me, considering I’m not particularly eager to talk about myself in that way.

But I digress…I’ve told you a little bit about who I am, now let’s move on to what I hope to accomplish by chatting with you through these pages each week. As I mentioned, I’m new to blogging, so the site is in its infancy stage, but I know I can nurture it along with your help! I sure hope you got the inside joke (infancy, nurture, *wink, wink*); if you didn’t, I’ve got my work cut out for me!

I taught psychology courses for several years, but I have recently taken a break from teaching. And 2020 has made me realize how now, more than ever before, it’s important to focus on the now as there might not be a later. With that, I’m focusing on self-care, health-and-wellness, and giving back in other ways. I thought it would help to combine my love of psychology and teaching with my desire to help people pursue their passion, handle life’s unexpected transitions, and seek enlightenment and overall well-being. So I’m inviting you to join me on this exciting journey as I seek to give you mindful living, wellness, and self-care tips, as well as occasional words of encouragement and inspiration. Of course, I’ll also be dropping knowledge on how psychology fits into every aspect of our daily living. If it seems like I’m all over the place at the moment, maybe I am, but we’ll get to our destination together! After all, the journey is the best part! Oh, the places we will go when we allow our minds to take us there.