Trust the Process on Your Road to Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth
Honor the Process of Spiritual Growth

Since the beginning of January, I have been reading Melody Beattie’s Journey to the Heart, a book of daily meditations. Check out my daily reflections in my IG posts. I cannot tell you how relevant the book has been for me during this time in my life. I have gleaned so much inspiration as I navigate my way through my ever-evolving quest for enlightenment, self-improvement, personal and spiritual growth.

Follow Your Heart

A little over three years ago, I was offered a job in a different state doing something I’d always told myself I “couldn’t do.” At first, I was hesitant to accept the offer. I was listening to the voice inside my head, Shelia, my inner critic. Shelia kept telling me, “You’re no good at that!” “Stay in your comfort zone and do what you’re comfortable doing!” “We (Shelia and I) can’t afford to take a chance like that!” “Why would we move almost a thousand miles away from home to a place where we don’t know anyone?” I asked God for guidance, He provided, He opened doors, and here I am, almost three and half years later, nearly 1000 miles from my comfort zone, and I am flourishing!

I trusted the process, sought help from the Universe, and embraced change like nobody’s business! Making a move and taking that job has opened my mind and added to my spiritual growth in ways that I didn’t think were possible.

Honor the Process of Spritual Growth

As I read each day’s meditation prompt, I reflect on what I can take away from the meditation and share it with my IG followers. January 19th’s post was inspired by the prompt, Honor the Process of Spiritual Growth. I realize that some of you are not on IG, and I wanted to share what I shared on IG with you, my friends, in this space.

Why wait for change? Why wait until your situation is stagnant or unbearable? Do it now! Embrace the process of spiritual growth and all it has to offer you.

Seek change and surrender. I know firsthand how hard this can be. I was so afraid to move and leave my family behind. But I did it! I took advantage of what the Universe provided. When you seek growth, it doesn’t mean that your life will become easier instantaneously. Just the opposite is likely to happen. You might desire to make changes that you know are uncomfortable. Friends and family might see you differently. They might see you as a person they no longer recognize.

That’s because you will be different when you come out on the other side of your transformation. Different in a good way. You will have evolved and grown. You will have released your attachment to the negative beliefs about your old self. You will be free from the fear that once held you back.

You will begin to realize that joy is a state of being. It’s a destination where you can choose to live. Life doesn’t “have” to be hard. But it can be.

Choose not to get stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’m not saying you should present a façade of happiness. I am saying that with every hardness we experience, there is a lesson to be learned. Honor the process that brings the lesson. Explore your feelings, but don’t get attached to them. Release them.

You are changing. It’s a beautiful thing to experience. Trust the process, and let it happen!

Are You Letting Go, Living in the Now, and Experiencing Growth?

Where is life taking you? Are you afraid to go there? Trust the process and let things be. Welcome the change and live in the moment. Embrace the change with the fierceness that I know is in you.

Declare your affirmations throughout 2022. What will you leave behind in 2021, and what are you looking forward to accomplishing in 2022? Take that leap of faith. Your destination awaits your arrival!

Be sure to listen to my podcast Psychologically Speaking, available wherever you stream your favorite podcasts.

A podcast for anyone interested in understanding how psychology applies to everyday life! New episodes beginning January 23, 2022!

Fill up your favorite cup, and let’s chat! Schedule your free consultation today!

I would love to speak with you about any challenges you might be facing, goals or intentions you would like to set, or how you can make health and wellness a top priority in your life. Click here to schedule a complimentary 35-minute consultation.

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Photo by Arshad Sutar on


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